Type(s) of organization : Student Association, BDS


Student clubs - sport, Student clubs - team sports

logo Hand
Ready to get back to (or get started in) handball!?
Don't hesitate and join the handball team!

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, you'll enjoy serious training sessions led by a world-champion coach and great games.

We hope that our motto "play serious without taking yourself seriously" will take you, with us, once again as far as possible!


Hand W Photo du handball féminin

"Who are we? Who are we? Les furieuses de Nantes!"
Does this war cry scare you? We'll tell you right away, it scares our opponents too! 
The Hand Fé is 2 hours of training every Monday evening, physical sessions during the week, matches on Thursdays, national tournaments with all the schools in France, lots of new encounters, highly motivated players and a coach who has coached the best! 
Have you been a handball fan since you were a kid? Looking for a new Co sport to discover at Centrale? Perfect! You'll come face to face with our fabulous team spirit and atmosphere! 
You can join us in the gym on the first Monday of the new school year for a training session worthy of the name! See you soon!


Hand M Photo du handball masculin

Handball is the most successful sport in France and objectively the best sport in the world. At Centrale, we do our best so that you can practice it at your level. If you want to become the future Nicolas Karabatic and participate in the French championships or if you are just discovering this discipline, you will feel like a fish in water with us. The team is trained by a former pro twice a week and the matches in Nantes are on Thursdays, we are also champions of Nantes and undefeated in the Loire region. We're counting on you to continue this streak next year!

Executive members

Supervisor W : Elodie GUENN
Supervisor M : Mathias GATINEAU
Published on May 11, 2020 Updated on May 6, 2024