Type(s) of organization : Student Association, BDS


Student clubs - sport, Student clubs - team sports

Come along and discover the great football family of Centrale Nantes!
Whether you are very experienced, a novice or somewhere in between, you will find your place among the men's and women's teams to play at your level and have fun.

You'll also enjoy our new artificial pitch. In addition to memorable evenings, you will be able to take part in numerous competitions and (re)discover the pleasure of this sport!

On the programme: a little physical preparation, ball play, aperitifs and, above all, a great atmosphere!


FOOT W Equipe fé
Have you always dreamed of trying soccer, or getting back to your old self? Or just to let off steam after prep school? Come and join the two-time champions of Nantes to keep the title for another year. On the program: training  with quality coaches, pre-game pasta meals and aperitifs to celebrate our victories. We are waiting for you !
The soccer biz
logo foot fé

photo foot m
Whether you were born with the ball at your feet, have cleaned the top corner of every goal in your neighbourhood, or in your region, or have the biggest square foot that the Earth has ever borne, Centrale Nantes football is for you! With 3 teams in 2022-2023, there's something for everyone, from the most competitive to the most fun-loving. You'll be attracted by the multitude of competitions (Championnat de France Universitaire, Coupe de France Saint Gobain, Intercentrales, Challenge Centrale Lyon, TOSS, etc.) available to you, and/or by our super-supervisors who will make sure the atmosphere is great all year round.
2 training sessions a week on Monday and Tuesday evenings, with matches on Thursday afternoons, will set the pace for your best years at Centrale!
A warm welcome

Executive members

Supervisor W : Anne-Laure LEDOUX
Supervisor M : Adrien POISSON
Published on May 11, 2020 Updated on July 15, 2024