Type(s) of organization : BDS


The ’’AMAP’’ of Centrale Nantes is an association offering seasonal, local and organic fruits, vegetables and eggs to students, school’s personnel, researchers and teachers all year long.

This association is part of the BDS (the Student Union for Sports) to promote local and short distribution circuits which is good for our planet, health and wallet!

Email. :


Products on sale:

The composition of the baskets of vegetables varies every week depending on the season and product availability.
In the fruit basket you may find apples, pears and French bananas.

Vegetable basket for 1, 2, 3 or 4 people €4.50 - €9 - €13.50 - €18
Fruit basket  €5 or €10
Eggs (box of 6, 12 or 18) 6 eggs for €2.40

Mode of operation and payment:

The AMAP proposes a flexible ordering and distribution services with 3 week-long sessions. This means you order once for 3 consecutive weeks and so on. You can order via a link sent by email before every session.

How it works:

  • If you pay via cheque made out to "BDS Centrale Nantes":
You order the products you want for the next three weeks by filling out the google form whose link is attached in the email. The cheques must be brought to the BDS office before the deadline indicated in the email.
  • If you pay via the Lydia ticketing service (link also attached in the mail):
You only have to fill out the Lydia ticketing service with the products you want for the 3 next weeks before the deadline indicated in the email.

Come along to pick up your order at the BDS office (Building E) during the office hours (12:30-1:30 pm) starting on Tuesday of each week.

By ordering and paying for your AMAP baskets, you commit yourself to come and pick them up at from the office during the week, because waste is not COOL!
Please bring your bags and egg boxes with you to pick up your products.

Where do all the products come from?

The vegetables come from: “Les Champs Paradis” in Villeneuve en Retz, where Benjamin Friou gained the organic label in 2010.
The fruits come from "Saveur O'Naturel" distribution organization for organic products
The eggs come from ‘L’écoferme des 1001 pattes’ also in Carquefou. 100% organic and free-range eggs guaranteed !


If you paid via Lydia, you may have noticed that you paid an extra €0,50. This amount is due to Lydia's commission (current contract between the BDX and Lydia).

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the BDS through mail or social media for more information.

Published on October 17, 2023 Updated on April 22, 2024