Type(s) of organization : Student Association, BDA

CMS - Centrale Music School

Student clubs - music

Always wanted to play an instrument, but never really found the motivation to learn?
Or maybe you'd like to pick up from where you left off some time ago?
Don't panic, it's never too late to (re)start: CMS is here for you!
Teachers, students, all united around the same motto: loving music is good... playing it is better!
Come along and take part in a friendly little concert where everyone is welcome. You can also join our teaching team!
Attention pianists: we have a piano in the main hall and a room with a grand piano!


CMS aims to put students wishing to take music lessons in contact with other Centraliens who are willing to give them. Piano, violin, guitar, ukulele, clarinet... This varies each year according to supply and demand. All profiles are welcome, from the complete beginner to the person who wishes to learn a second instrument and those who wish to improve their skills with some help. For experienced musicians, this is an opportunity to try their hand as a teacher in a reassuring setting. Depending on demand, music theory lessons are also offered. Several times a year we organise concerts, open to all, where both students and teachers play.


Ruben Christon
Published on May 13, 2020 Updated on June 3, 2024