Type(s) of organization : Student Association

Recup’Eau Vietnam - REV

Student clubs - solidarity

Récup’Eau Viêtnam is a humanitarian association which has been providing assistance to the inhabitants of the Vietnamese village Liên Son 2 for 10 years now.
Thanks to fundraising, lots of sales at the cafet or the organization of sporting or cultural events (RIP the lottery this year :-(), the association finances the construction of toilets, roofs or even soccer fields for the village and also facilitates its access to water and education.
So, if you want to experience this incredible adventure and make us dream, join us!

Website :
Email. :


Every year we go away during the summer to visit them (except this year because of the corona grrrr). The elders have told us about an incredibly memorable and overwhelming experience.

In parallel, the association has a big project: the REV-machine! But what is this thing? It is a machine divided in four parts that we design from A to Z allowing both to recycle plastic waste from the village (which is abundant !!) and to create new objects useful in everyday life and thus develop the local economy.


Malo Gicquel

Additional Information

So you can follow us on our social media : 
Published on May 11, 2020 Updated on May 25, 2022