Type(s) of organization : Student Association

Recup’Eau Vietnam - REV

Student clubs - solidarity

Récup'Eau Vietnam is an international solidarity association made up of highly motivated members, which has been helping the Raglaï community of the Vietnamese village of Lien Son 2 for nearly 15 years.
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Throughout the year, we organize all kinds of events - lotteries, chocolate sales, marathons, sports events, and many sales at the cafeteria - to raise funds and better finance what the village needs. This includes building dry toilets, renovating and constructing sustainable houses, installing water recovery tanks to improve access, repairing bicycles, and providing access to education. During the summer, those who wish to go there to help bring these projects to life, lend a hand, and experience an unforgettable humane adventure.


Sophie Merheb

Additional Information

Follow us on social media: 
  • https://www.instagram.com/rev_ecn/
  • https://www.facebook.com/eric.upeauvietnam/
Published on May 11, 2020 Updated on October 3, 2024